Process Costing - Spoilage

Easy Practice Test

Cost Accounting

Easy Practice Test

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1. The difference in spoilage equivalent units under FIFO and weighted average is computed as

a. 100% less (total units x % complete at inspection)
b. the difference in total units for started and completed
c. the difference in total units for beginning inventory
d. there is no difference


D. There is no difference in spoiled equivalent units. The only difference is in beginning inventory equivalent units.

2. In a process costing system, normal spoilage is

a. included in inventory costs
b. added directly to cost of goods sold
c. expensed as incurred
d. both a. and c.


A. Normal spoilage is always a part of inventory. The cost is either averaged in (continuous process) or added to finished goods (discrete process).

3. The weighted average cost per equivalent unit using FIFO includes

a. only the portion of spoiled units that were spoiled this period
b. only the portion of spoiled units that were spoiled last period
c. normal spoilage in a continuous process environment
d. both a. and c.


D. Normal spoilage in a continuous process is assigned 0 equivalent units and is averaged into the average cost per unit. The portion of spoiled units that were spoiled this period is included in a discrete process.

4. Which type of company may use a continuous process costing system?

a. a chemical manufacturer
b. a paper manufacturer
c. an ink manufacturer
d. all of the above


D. All of the above products most likely need to complete processing before it can be determined if there are any spoiled units and may use a continuous process. All manufacture homogenous products that are all the same.

5. Normal spoilage is usually based on

a. a historical percentage of units completed
b. a historical percentage of units started
c. a historical percentage of sales
d. a historical percentage of abnormal spoilage


B. Normal spoilage is what the company expects to spoil. This is often based on a normal historical percentage of units started.

6. Normal spoilage is defined as

a. unacceptable units that occur because of an unexpected event
b. unacceptable units that occur because of poor materials
c. unacceptable units that occur as part of the typical manufacturing process
d. spoilage that is greater than expected


C. Normal spoilage are spoiled units that are expected to occur. It is generally an acceptable part of the manufacturing process and is not caused by an identifiable event.

7. Abnormal spoilage is defined as

a. unacceptable units that occurs because of an expected event
b. all unacceptable units that occur as part of the typical manufacturing process
c. spoilage that is greater than expected
d. none of the above


C. Abnormal spoilage is spoiled units over and above what is expected for any reason.

8. The cost of abnormal spoilage is recorded as

a. an increase to finished goods inventory
b. an increase to cost of goods sold in the period incurred
c. an increase to work in process
d. it is not separately recorded


B. Abnormal spoilage is always expensed as incurred and included in cost of goods sold.

9. The entry to record abnormal spoilage includes

a. a debit to work in process
b. a credit to work in process
c. a debit to finished goods
d. a credit to loss from spoilage


B. The entry to record abnormal spoilage is a debit to loss on spoilage and a credit to work in process. The loss on spoilage is reported as part of cost of goods sold on the income statement.

10. The entry to record costs added this period includes

a. a debit to work in process
b. a debit to raw materials
c. a debit to salaries payable
d. a debit to finished goods


A. Costs added this period are recorded as a debit to work in process and a credit to raw materials, salaries payable and cash (for other costs).

11. A company produces paint in which spoilage takes place on a discrete basis with inspection occurring at 50% materials added and of conversion. Management considers normal spoilage to be 1.5% of gallons placed into production. The company uses the FIFO method. The following operating statistics are available for the current month:

Beginning Inventory
(70% complete for materials and 30% complete for conversion) 8,000 gallons
Started during the month 180,000 gallons
Ending Inventory
(70% complete for materials and 30% complete for conversion) 4,000 gallons
Total Spoiled 6,400 gallons

Cost information:

Material Conversion
Beginning $  13,903 $     6,906
Added $167,304 $108,759

A. Calculate normal spoilage in gallons
B. Calculate abnormal spoilage in gallons
C. Calculate units of production for materials and conversion
D. Compute the value of work in process and finished goods.
E. Compute the value of abnormal spoilage and record the cost


A. Normal spoilage = 1.5% x Gallons started of 180,000 = 2,700 gallons
B. Abnormal spoilage = total spoilage 6,400 – normal spoilage 2,700 = 3,700

C. Equivalent units schedule – FIFO

Went in during the period:
Beginning Inventory 8,000
+Started In to Production 180,000
=Total Units to be accounted for: 188,000
Equivalent Units
Quantity Material Conversion
Came out during the period:
        Beginning Inventory     8,000      2,400     5,600
        +Started and Completed : 169,600 169,600 169,600
        +Ending Inventory     4,000      2,800      1,200
        Normal spoilage     2,700      1,350      1,350
        Abnormal spoilage      3,700      1,850      1,850
        =Total units accounted for 188,000 178,000 179,600

Equivalent units:
Normal spoilage discrete: total units x 50% at inspection
Abnormal spoilage discrete: total units x 50% at inspection
Started/Completed is always at 100%
Ending is 4,000 total x the % complete-70% for material and 30% for conversion.

Equivalent units is the number of whole units that could have been completed given the amount of material that was put in and given the amount of conversion that was added.

D. Value WIP and FG

1st – Compute cost per unit using FIFO: use only the $ added this period / equiv. units

Material Conversion
Added this period $167,304 $108,759
Equivalent units    178,000    179,600
Cost per Eq. Unit        $0.94          $0.61

2nd – Value WIP:

Eq. units from WIP row x Cost per Eq. Unit above

Material:          2,800 x $0.94   =  $ 2,632
Conversion:     1,200 x $0.61  =     $ 732
Total value                                     $ 3,364

3rd – Value FG – Do in 4 parts:

Beginning Inventory $ (13,903 + 6,906) $ 20,809
Beginning Inventory done this period
        Material 2,400 x $0.94 $  2,256
        Conversion 5,600 x $0.61 $  3,416
Started/Completed this period
        Material 169,600 x $0.94 $159,424
        Conversion 169,600 x $0.61 $103,456
           (or together 169,600 x $1.55)
Normal Spoilage:
        Material 1,350 x $0.94 $ 1,269
        Conversion 1,350 x $0.61 $    824
                Total Finished Goods $291,454

E. Abnormal Spoilage:

Material:         1,850 x $0.94 = $ 1,739
Conversion:    1,850 x $0.61 = $ 1,129
        Total value                          $ 2,868

Loss from abnormal spoilage         $2,868
           Work in Process                                  $2,868

12. A company produces paint in which spoilage takes place on a discrete basis with inspection occurring at 60% of conversion. Management considers normal spoilage to be 5% of gallons placed into production. Materials are added 50% at the beginning of the process and another 50% are added at 70% conversion. The following operating statistics are available for the current year:

Beginning Inventory -60% complete for conversion 16,000 gallons
Started during the year 148,000 gallons
Ending Inventory – 80% complete for conversion 7,000 gallons
Spoiled 19,200 gallons

Cost information:

Material Conversion
Beginning $  9,903 $  16,906
Added this period $87,304 $148,709

A. Calculate normal spoiled units
B. Calculate abnormal spoiled units
C. Compute equivalents units using weighted average process costing
D. Value finished goods and work in process
E. Compute the value of abnormal spoilage and record the cost


A. Normal spoilage = 5% x Gallons started of 148,000 = 7,400 gallons
B. Abnormal spoilage = total spoilage 19,200 – normal spoilage 7,400 = 11,800

C. Equivalent units schedule – Weighted Average

Went in during the period:
Beginning Inventory 16,000
+Started In to Production 148,000
=Total Units to be accounted for: 164,000
Equivalent Units
Quantity Material Conversion
Came out during the period:
       Beginning Inventory 16,000   16,000   16,000
       +Started and Completed : 121,800 121,800 121,800
       +Ending – 80% conversion     7,000     7,000      5,600
       Normal spoilage     7,400     3,700      4,440
       Abnormal spoilage   11,800     5,900      7,080
       =Total units accounted for 164,000 154,400 154,920

Equivalent units for: normal and abnormal spoilage – discrete: inspection at 60%

Materials: only 50% have been added when it is 60% complete
Conversion: total units x 60% at inspection

Beginning: 100% always when doing weighted average

Started/Completed is always at 100%

100% of materials have been added by the time it is 80% converted.
Conversion is 80% x ending units

D. Value Inventory:

1st – Compute average cost per equivalent unit:

Material Conversion
Beginning $  9,903   $ 16,906
Added this period $87,304 $148,709
     Total $97,207 $165,615
/ Equivalent Units above 154,400 154,920
= Cost per Equivalent Unit   $  0.63   $  1.07

2nd – Value WIP:

Material:        7,000 x $0.63 =   $ 4,410
Conversion:   5,600 x $1.07 =  $ 5,992
Total value                                 $10,402

Value FG:
Equivalent units are from the beginning and started/comp rows

16,000 + 121,800 = 137,800 x ($0.63 + $1.07) = $234,260

Normal Spoilage:

Material:         3,700 x $0.63 =   $ 2,331
Conversion:    4,440 x $1.07 =   $ 4,751
Total value                                    $ 7,082

Total Finished Goods (Beg + S/C + N. S.) = $241,342

E. Abnormal Spoilage:

Material:        5,900 x $0.63 =  $ 3,717
Conversion:   7,080 x $1.07 =  $ 7,576
 Total value                                 $11,293

Loss from abnormal spoilage           $11,293
            Work in Process                                  $11,293

13. A company produces ice cream in which spoilage takes place on a continuous basis. Management considers normal spoilage to be 0.4% or less of units placed into production. The following operating statistics are available for the current month:

Beginning Inventory Units
(20% complete for materials; 30% complete for conversion) 8,000
Started during the month 120,000
Ending Inventory
(70% complete for materials; 80% complete for conversion 5,000
Spoiled 10,400

Cost information:

Material Conversion
Beginning $ 4,903 $   13,950
Added this period $77,501 $ 198,128

A. Calculate normal spoiled units
B. Calculate abnormal spoiled units
C. Compute equivalents units using weighted average process costing
D. Value finished goods and work in process
E. Compute the value of abnormal spoilage and record the cost


A. Normal spoilage = 0.4% x units started of 120,000 = 480 gallons
B. Abnormal spoilage = total spoilage 10,400 – normal spoilage 480 = 9,920

C. Equivalent units schedule – Weighted Average

Went in during the period:
Beginning Inventory     8,000
+Started In to Production 120,000
=Total Units to be accounted for: 128,000
Equivalent Units
Quantity Material Conversion
Came out during the period:
      Beginning Inventory     8,000      8,000    8,000
      +Started and Completed : 104,600  104,600 104,600
      +Ending Inventory      5,000       3,500     4,000
      Normal spoilage         480             0            0
      Abnormal spoilage      9,920      9,920      9,920
      =Total units accounted for 128,000  126,020 126,520

Equivalent units for:

Normal continuous: always = 0
Abnormal spoilage: discovered at end of process = 100%

Beginning – 100% always when doing weighted average

Started/Completed is always at 100%

Ending – % complete x total ending units

Spoiled equivalent units:

Normal continuous is always 0
Abnormal, continuous, is discovered at the end of the process; 100%

D. Value Inventory:

1st – Compute average cost per equivalent unit:

Material Conversion
Beginning $ 4,903 $ 13,950
Added this period $77,501 $198,128
     Total $82,404 $212,078
/ Equivalent Units 126,020 126,520
= Cost per Eq. Unit    $ 0.65     $ 1.68

2nd – Value WIP:

Material:        3,500 x $0.65 =  $ 2,275
Conversion:   4,000 x $1.68 =  $ 6,720
Total value                                  $ 8,995 WIP value

Value FG:
Equivalent units are from the beginning and started/comp rows

Beginning + S/C                        x total cost per unit
8,000 + 104,600 = 112,600 x   ($0.65 + $1.68) = $262,358

Normal Spoilage: $0

Total Finished Goods (Beg + S/C + N. S.) $262,358

E. Abnormal Spoilage:

Material:        9,920 x $0.65 =   $ 6,448
Conversion:   9,920 x $1.68 = $16,666
Total value                                 $23,114

Loss from abnormal spoilage            $23,114
                Work in Process                                 $23,114