Cost Allocation

Medium Practice Test

Cost Accounting

Medium Practice Test

Click the “Check Your Answer” box below each question to reveal the correct answer and explanation.

1. A responsibility accounting system should provide reports that

a. include only revenues of the company
b. include all revenues and costs under a manager’s control
c. do not reflect the organization chart of management
d. includes costs only


B. The responsibility accounting systems provides reports that give revenues and costs related to different units of the company managed by different managers. The system should be set up to report according to the organization chart of the company.

2. The manager of a revenue center has the authority to

a. establish sales prices of products
b. invest funds in assets
c. manage costs incurred in the revenue center
d. manage profits generated in the revenue center


C. The manager of a revenue center can not establish sales prices. This also means they are not responsible for profits generated from products sold in the revenue center. The manager has authority to control costs within the revenue center only.

3. The manager of an investment center has the authority to

a. control only profits
b. control only investments
c. control profits and investments
d. control only costs


C. The manager of an investment center has the authority to set prices, control costs and make investments. When you have control over revenues and costs you also have control over profits.

4. The direct method of allocating service department costs recognizes that

a. other service departments benefit from services provided
b. only revenue generating units benefit from all services provided
c. some service departments serve other service departments and revenue generating units
d. a company can determine the exact amount of cost incurred by all service departments


B. The direct method allocates costs to revenue units only. Cost units do not assign costs to other cost units based on the belief that the ultimate benefit is revenues and cost units do not generate revenues. The allocation is an estimate.

5. The step method of allocating service department costs recognizes that

a. other service departments do not benefit from services provided
b. only revenue generating units benefit from all services provided
c. some service departments serve other departments and revenue generating units
d. a company can determine the exact amount of cost incurred by other service departments


C. The step method allocates all cost unit costs to cost units and revenue generating units. It recognizes that cost units can benefit from other cost units.

6. Accounting practices in a decentralized organization are commonly called

a. responsibility accounting
b. departmentalized accounting
c. management accounting
d. allocation accounting


A. A decentralized organization delegates decision making authority to managers within the organization. The responsibility accounting system reports revenues and costs associated with delegated lines of authority.

7. When providing reports that will be used to evaluate management performance in a responsibility accounting system, the report should NOT

a. distinguish controllable expenses
b. have a correlation with the company’s organization chart
c. show the difference between budget and actual costs
d. include allocated administrative costs


D. Responsibility reports should give information on revenues and costs that are controllable by the manager. Allocated costs are not controllable.

8. Allocating service department costs to revenue producing units can be used as an alternative to

a. allocating direct costs
b. transfer pricing
c. both a. & b.
d. none of the above


B. Transfer pricing is used to sell goods and services between units of the company. Allocating costs is an alternative to charging for the service. Direct costs are never allocated.

9. The term that means the company has an accounting system that reports information based on management’s ability to control costs is referred to as

a. a performance system
b. a responsibility accounting system
c. an allocation accounting system
d. an operational accounting system


B. This is the definition of a responsibility accounting system. The other choices are not common terms.

10. One of the primary benefits of decentralization is

a. managers are not held accountable for decisions
b. decisions are made by those most knowledgeable about the situation
c. top management is allowed to make most decisions
d. the accounting system required is simpler than for a centralized system


B. In a decentralized organization management responsible for units within the company are authorized to make decisions. Managers working in an area are normally more knowledgeable about the current situation. Managers are held accountable for the results of their decisions. The accounting system is more complex because data must be collected by unit within the company.

11. A company has three service departments: human resources (allocate costs based on employees), computer service (allocate costs based on reports), and facilities (allocate costs based on square feet). Human resources is considered the highest ranked service that begins the allocation. It has 2 revenue producing units: East and West. Information gathered to do the allocation follows:

Unit Direct Costs Employees Reports Square Feet
Human Resources $190,000   7  142  2,500
Computer Service $320,000 10    58   6,750
Facilities $265,000   4   15   1,450
     East $495,000 63 739 22,780
     West $636,000 72 942 19,845


A. Allocate costs using the direct method.
B. Allocate costs using the step method.


A. Direct method – all costs go to revenue producing units only:

Human Resources –

East                63  = .467 x 190,000 =    88,730
West               72  = .533 x 190,000 = 101,270
     Total        135

Computer Services –

East                 739 = .440 x 320,000 = 140,800
West                942 = .560 x 320,000 = 179,200
      Total       1,681

Facilities –

East               22,780 = .534 x 265,000 = 141,510
West             19,845 = .466 x 265,000 = 123,490
     Total        42,625

B. Step Method – begin allocation with human resources and allocate to cost units and revenue producing units

Human Resources –

Computer     10 = .067 x 190,000   =  12,730
Facility             4 = .027 x 190,000   =     5,130
East                63 = .423 x 190,000  =  80,370
West              72 = .483 x 190,000  =  91,770
     Total      149

Computer Services – $320,000 + $12,730 = $332,730 to allocate

Facility            15  = .009 x 332,730 =      2,995
East               739  = .436 x 332,730 = 145,070
West             942  = .555 x 332,730 = 184,665
    Total      1,696

Facilities – $265,000 + $5,130 + 2,995 = $273,125 to allocate


East             22,780 = .534 x 273,125 = 145,849
West           19,845 = .466 x 273,125 = 127,276
      Total     42,625

12. The company allocates cost based on the following chart:

Department Direct Costs Admin Selling Accounting Sales 1 Sales 2
Admin $100,000 30% 20% 25% 25%
Selling $200,000 15% 5% 40% 40%
Accounting $ 90,000 40% 20% 10% 30%
Sales 1 $250,000
Sales 2 $400,000

Revenues from sales area 1 is $600,000 and from sales area 2 is $750,000
The cost units are listed in the order of ranking for allocation.

A. Allocate costs using the direct method
B. Allocate costs using the step method
C. Determine which sales area is the most profitable.


A. Direct method – all costs go to revenue producing units only:

Admin –

Sales 1           25 = .50 x 100,000 = 50,000
Sales 2           25 = .50 x 100,000 = 50,000
     Total         50

Selling –

Sales 1           40 = .50 x 200,000 = 100,000
Sales 2           40 = .50 x 200,000 = 100,000
     Total         80

Accounting –

Sales 1           10 = .25 x 90,000 = 22,500
Sales 2           30 = .75 x 90,000 = 67,500
     Total         40

B. Step Method: Begin with admin and allocate to cost units and revenue producing units


Selling                30 % x 100,000 = 30,000
Accounting        20 % x 100,000 = 20,000
Sales 1                25 % x 100,000 = 25,000
Sales 2                25 % x 100,000 = 25,000
      Total           100

Selling: $200,000 + $30,000 = $230,000 to allocate

Accounting      5 = .059 x 230,000 =     13,570
Sales 1           40 = .4705 x 230,000 = 108,215
Sales 2           40 = .4705 x 230,000 = 108,215
     Total         85

Do not allocate to selling costs to admin because it is a higher-ranking cost unit.

Accounting: $90,000 + $20,000 + $13,570 = $123,570

Sales 1           10 = .25 x 123,570 = 30,893
Sales 2           30 = .75 x 123,570 = 92,677
      Total        40

Do not allocate to selling and admin because they are higher-ranking cost units.

C. Profitability of each sales area

Direct Step
Sales 1 Sales 2 Sales 1 Sales 2
Sales 600,000 750,000 600,000 750,000
– Direct 250,000 400,000 250,000 400,000
– Admin 50,000   50,000   25,000   25,000
– Selling 100,000 100,000 108,215  108,215
– Accounting 22,500   67,500   30,893    92,677
= Profits 177,500 132,500 185,842  124,108

Sales area 1 is more profitable under both allocation methods.

13. The hospital allocates service department costs to revenue producing units. The hospital has 3 service departments: x-ray, blood tests, and maintenance. Revenue units are surgery and in-patient. The following information is available:

Number of
Hours of
Equip. Oper.
Number of
Maintenance    $276,000  15  2,080
X-ray    $194,000  28 10,945 12,105
Blood-tests    $234,000  24   4,576 17,892
Surgery    $932,000  89 16,724   3,452
In-patient $1,573,000 378 49,230 22,056

Maintenance costs are allocated based on hours of equipment operation.
X-ray costs and Blood test costs are allocated based on number of patients
The listing above is in order of ranking for the step allocation.

A. allocate costs using the direct method
B. allocate costs using the step method


A. Direct method – all costs go to revenue producing units only:

Maintenance –

Surgery          16,724 = .254 x 276,000 =   70,104
In Patient       49,230 = .746 x 276,000 = 205,896
      Total         65,954

X-ray –

Surgery             3,452 = .135 x 194,000 =   26,190
In Patient        22,056 = .865 x 194,000 = 167,810
       Total         25,508

Blood tests –

Surgery             3,452 = .135 x 234,000 =   31,590
In Patient       22,056 = .865 x 234,000 = 202,410
      Total         25,508

B. Step Method: Begin with maintenance costs to cost units and revenue producing units

Maintenance –

X-Ray                   10,945 = .134 x 276,000 =   36,984
Blood Tests          4,576 = .056 x 276,000 =   15,456
Surgery               16,724 = .205 x 276,000 =   56,580
In Patient            49,230 = .605 x 276,000 = 166,980
        Total            81,475

X-ray – $194,000 + $36,984 = $230,984 to allocate

Blood Tests 17,892 = .412 x 230,984 = 95,165
Surgery             3,452 = .080 x 230,984 =   18,479

In Patient       22,056 = .508 x 230,984 = 117,340
        Total       43,400
Blood Tests – $234,000 + $15,456 + $95,165 = $344,621
Surgery             3,452  = .135 x 344,621 =    46,524

In Patient        22,056  = .865 x 344,621 = 298,097
       Total         25,508