Free Accounting Help
Join the thousands who have learned accounting the easy way.
Practice tests with fully explained step-by-step answers for everything your professor wants you to know.

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available to all

Your Path to Success
1. See what you need to know
2. See if you know it
3. Learn the things you didn’t know
4. Make an A on your test

Select your topic and do a quick overview:
• Left list: Click on topic and Key Things to Know
• Right list: Watch the related video lecture(s)
Take the Self test over terms & formulas
Review Step by Step How to on Practice as You Learn
See the key concepts and procedures you must know
Take the Practice Tests and take notes about why you missed questions and what you need to watch out for on your test
• Easy Test — Just the basics
• Medium Test — Curveballs added
• Hard Test — Difficult formats (if it gets harder)
Write out the answers to the problems on paper
(like you will do on your test).
STUDY the answers to the questions you missed or were unsure about so you do not lose those points on your test.
Be fully prepared for your accounting test.
No surprises!
satisfied users!

Homework is a small % of your grade
- follows a chapter in your accounting textbook.
- has 40+ multiple choice questions and 15+ problems with fully explained step-by-step answers.
- shows you the most common accounting test questions and formats (without cheating!).
- focuses you on the things your professor wants you to know.
Key Things To Know
Self Test
Practice As You Learn
Easy Practice Test
Medium Practice Test
Hard Practice Test
On Your Test
Quick Study Sheet
Learn what accounts receivable, inventory, marketable securities, accrued expenses, unearned revenues, property, plant & equipment, goodwill, and other assets and liabilities really mean. Also learn how to prepare and read a balance sheet.

Study accounting test answers
to all and only
the things you
need to know.

See step-by step fully explained answers
to accounting test questions before
you take your test.
Saves you time on your test.
Get it right on your test!

You are
smart enough
to achieve
your goals!
Does the website cover the same content my professor will put on my test?
All textbooks and homework problems cover the same content. All professors have the same expectations about what you should know for each topic.
How should I use this website?
- Go to the subject on the left side that corresponds with a chapter in your textbook.
- Review the brief Key Things to Know for the subject you are studying.
- Answer and review the Self Test multiple-choice questions to make sure you understand the concepts, words and formulas.
- Work the easy test (basic foundation), then the medium test (includes “curve balls”), followed by the hard test (for complex topics) to identify what you really don’t know and significantly increase your understanding.
Write out the answers to the problems on paper (like you will do on your test) and then grade your own test to see what you need to work on.
Find out what you really don’t know, before you take your test, and do it right on your test.
You will be prepared for all the tricks, curveballs, and formats that are different than your homework. The problems incorporate the most common things professors know students will not answer correctly.
Does the website follow along with my textbook?
Each topic listed down the left side of the class homepage will relate to a chapter in your textbook.
Students say… Really Helps!
Filling in the boxes doing online homework doesn’t really help me on the test. The practice tests help me see what I would have missed on the test so I can get it right.
I was failing, used the website, and ended up doing well. Use it!
I am a good student and I use it. It definitely helps reduce my study time and I don’t worry about what could be on the test.
Keeps me focused. Tells me exactly what I need to know. I wouldn’t want to take an accounting class without using the website.